SUBTOPIC: Jesus Christ our great physician.
Bible verse: Isaiah 53:5, 1st Peter 2:24, John 14:12-14
Jesus Christ’s major ministries is to heal the sick, to cast out evil spirits, and to raise the dead, to give life, joy, peace, and happiness.
(Isaiah 61:3)
when he finish his earthly ministries, he really want that ministries to continue among his disciples, so he gave them power. power to do the same, and he emphasized that, whosoever, anybody that believe in him will do what he has been doing, so if you are disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, get yourself ready, because you are empowered to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out demons and to do all good works that Christ did in his life time, and he said that you will do greater work than all the works he did, isn’t that amazing!!!
Greater works, John 14:12.
Laying hand on sich is a ministry that Jesu Christi gave all believers. Starting from parents, lay hand on your children, whenever they are sick, command the sickness to get out of their body, because our body is the Temple of holy ghost, their is no room for sickness.
Even your friends, co-workers or neighbors if they are sick, you are empowered by our Lord Jesus Christ to lay hand on them, and prophecy on them to be healed in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, our great physician, and if they believe, their faith will combine with your faith to activate healing power of God, and they will testify to the glory/goodness of God Almighty.
The only way it’s possible and easy is by the power and by the anointing of holy ghost.
you must believe in God Almighty, and in Jesus Christ, and in the power of Holy Ghost. You must run away for sin, it hinder prayer, and stain people’s lives. You must also be walking by the spirit and living in the spirit of God, you will be receiving directions and guidance from Holy Spirit.
For example sometimes ago, I dream that God told me to go to one Hospital to pray for the sick, As I woke up that morning on that day I got myself ready and went to that hospital, but on getting there, I ask my self who are Mine going to pray for, what ward, what room, and my relationship. All this are the questions they will asked me b/4 they can allow me to enter that hospital, so I turn back and go home, I said to God, there is no way I can do this task.
So I started to get ready for work. My shift that day was 3pm-11pm. During this time, some of my coworkers were discussing about a sick worker, her sister crying, and other friends and relatives were so sad, I ask one of them that was closed to me what happened, she explained to me and the hospital she told me was where I saw in my dream, so I quickly know what God was telling me, I asked if they believe in Jesus Christ, they said we are Christian, I said good, but we are going there you will take me there tomorrow morning to pray for her, they agreed, when I was going God asked me to take anointing oil and I took it with me, on getting there with my friend, the case was truly hopeless, the woman of 2 children is totally out of control, no one can handle her, as I got there, I saw her and said Lovely, as she was called, she looked at me and I said sit down in the name of Jesus Christ we are going to pray, she sat down with the help of her two sisters that are staying with her in the hospital, I told them that we are going to use anointing oil, they quickly agree with me, I got hold of her and put anointing oil on her and gave her a spoonful to drink then I put my hand on her head and praid for 15 Minutes, she did not talk, after prayer, I said who am I, she said sister Janet, and she smiled at me, every body in the room were so happy and she come back to her sense. The following day she was discharged from the hospital and they were happy.
There was another occasion that one Mr. Ola who was my cousin’s friend, his wife called my husband that he was sick and was in the hospital, my husband did not tell me, but two days later, the wife call us again, this time, I was at home, and she said they have put her husband in intensive care unit, in that place, the chance of recovery is less than 30per cent. So I told my husband that we should go, he said for what, I said to pray for him, peradventure, God will have mercy and heal him, let’s go, as usual, I took my anointing oil and we went there, the nurse excused us and I lay my hands on him, I praid for ten minutes, I then put oil on his head, and gave him a teaspoon full to drink, immediately he told us how relieved he was, and he was discharged the following day, everybody were amazing, me myself can’t explain it, I just told them that God did it, not me.
The third occasion was the sister that use to go to the same church with me when we first got to Rhode Island, she got sick and did not let me know, but I dreamed that I visited her in her house, Mind you she leaved close to my house, but because they likes to partying, and me I don’t really have interest in party, so that’s why we are not so close, so her direct neighbor very close to her, who moved to Maryland just came to our house from Maryland because he is my husband’s friend and told us that sister Stella was sick, and I said we that leave close to her did not hear, you that leave in Maryland has to tell us, that’s hilarious, and he said oma serious gan an ni ooo
I said what’s the problem, he said cancer, I said let’s go and pray for her, my husband said ode ooo, Iya Adura, I said whosoever believeth will do what Jesus Christ asked us to do, main while, I saw in my dream that I went to her house, the house was so dark, thick darkness, but I took a lamp their and were able to see her, and I woke up, the following morning Mr. Oyeniyi Abioye, her friend came to our house and tell us about her problem, he explained that the CAC Church are taking care of her. Truly we met her on the wheel chair, she was so down as if she cannot leave for another one week, and I said why she did not tell me, how long have you been in this problems, Mr Oyeniyi said almost a year, I was baffled, because last year, they did her friends 50th birthday at one hotel, they did not invite me, so I pretend that I didn’t hear about it, even though, the Celebrant’s husband gave my husband invitation, but both of us did not go.
her mother-in-law pass away, she met me on the road she greated me, I said my mother-in-law passed away, she then told me about her’s too. all that time she has cancer, she did not tell me, I don’t know.
So I praid for her, gave her anointing oil, she drank and she immediately said she want to poop, she got up on her feet went to the bathroom and poop, she walk back and my husband, and Mr Oyeniyi were amazed, because she can not, and has not been able to stand on her feet for months, we got there at 7pm, that night, she use bathroom, and later @ 9pm, she said I want to go to bed, it was late at night, she walk to her bedroom and jump on her bed by herself, as soon has she got in bed, the CAC Pastor’s wife called and I picked up the phone it was in her living room, she beg me to help her, Carry her to bed, I said she is fine that she went to bathroom by herself, she move bowels and now she jump in bed by herself she is alset ma. I was going to go there the following day to help her, pray for her and do follow up, but could you believe these people did not allow me to see her again, the next thing that I heard was that they rent a truck that packed her load to Nigeria and bought a ticket for her to go to Nigeria and the following 3month, that same man came to tell us that she passed away
At this point, we are going to pray