If you faint in the days of adversity, your strength is small” (Prov. 24:10). How can we faint in the days of Adversity? There are times in our lives that we face test, trial and or challenges, they always come in the form of adversity, but it last for a season. Thes time of adversity is mostly originated out of circumstances, decision, or even relationships. The size of our spiritual strengths are measured by our responses and conducts towards those who are the source of our trouble or our adversity. I know from experience that there will be temptation to revenge or retaliate against those who bring problems into our lives, but if we do retaliate or revenge, we faint in the day of adversity, and our strength is small. On the other hand, we will not overcome evil with evil, we are to overcome evil with good, we shall reap good reward if we do not faint, do not grow weary in well doing, if your enemy is thirsty, give them drink, if your enemies are hungry, give them food, doing good and doing well to those who despitefully use you or mistreated you or demonstrates bad intention towards you take a lot of strength, it takes a big strength, but when our strength is small, because of the gravity of the adversity, let’s run to our God, who own vengeance, God will be our strength, He will plea our cause and be our Refuge in time of trouble.

(psalm 46:1 & vs 10)
We are God’s anointed, so God is our strength, He is our Refuge and our strength.
Isaiah 40:29 says: “God give power to those that are weak, and to those that have no strength”, God increase our strength, so when our strength is small, let God take over our battle, when God increase strength in us, we will be able to demonstrate His power, we are overcomer even in the days of adversity. So fear not, for God is with us, He will strengthen us yes, He will help us, He will uphold us with His right hand of righteousness amen
Have a victorious week ahead.
Ref: NCC Philadelphia