Prayer Achiever

When men say it is over god takes over and when god takes over the battle is over. The battle is over may god take over every impossible issues in your life today. Amen and amen.

Happy New Month To God be the glory, we’ve step on the Tenth Ladder of 2022, by the power of God that create heaven and earth, we shall end this year in rejoicing, every impossibility shall become possible, our joy shall be full, every enemies of our full scale joy shall be disgrace, and be disappointed by fire, Celebration cometh, closer than we think (Ephesians 3:20kjv)

Intercessory Prayer for Our beloved Nation, Nigeria.
Scripture Ingredient:
1st Timothy 2:1-2kjv
I exhort therefore, that first of all, Supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks, be made for all men.
2. For kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. Amen
1. O Lord God Almighty, God of host forgive us for the sins we are committing in our Country, Nigeria, give us the grace to truly repent and forsake our sins, and turn to you, and serve you in truth and in spirit in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ aaaamen
True Repentance 
(Daniel 9:3-19)
2)  O Lord God Almighty, God of host, please forgive us for the sins of bloodshed in our Country, Nigeria in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
3. We sanitize our Nation, Nigeria with the blood of Jesus and fire of holy ghost in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ aaaamen
4. Father Lord, please have mercy upon Nigeria, let your wrath and furry, and anger be turn away from our beloved Nation in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ aaaamen
5. Father Lord God Almighty, have mercy on our Leaders, in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
6. Every strongholds of deception in our Nation, Nigeria, be consumed by fire of God in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
7. O Lord God Almighty, God of host turn the hearts of our leaders in Nigeria to justice, righteousness and mercy
8. Father Lord God Almighty, God of host please give our Leaders in Nigeria a kind heart, that fear God, and be fare to others men
9. Father Lord God Almighty, God of host, grant unto our Leaders wisdom, courage, and divine direction in the discharge of their duties in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
10. O Lord God Almighty, God of host arise, and let every enemies of justice, and Peace in Nigeria fall down and die, and rise up no more in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
11. Every false religion working hard to dis- stabilized our true believers in Nigeria, be scatter by fire of God in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
12. Every altar of false gods in Nigeria, be consumed by the fire of God’s divine judgement in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
13. O Lord God Almighty, God of host arise and let the blood of Jesus Christ speak mercy and peace to our beloved Nation Nigeria in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
14. Every enemies of the Gospel, good news in Nigeria and in the whole world be violently be disgraced in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
15. We refuse to be enslaved by international religion fanatics, financial Institutions and evil traders in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
16. You evil slave chains of depts and destructions over our lives and over our beloved Nation Nigeria be broken to pieces and be roasted by fire of God in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
17. You my Country, Nigeria, hear the word of the living God, receive deliverance from satanic domination and satanic control by fire in the Mighty and Prevailing name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
18. Every agent of deception, corruption and wastage occupying the positions of Leadership positions in Nigeria, be violently be disgraced, be destroy and be replaced speedily with a righteous and God fearing Leaders in the Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen
19. Father Lord God of host, let your glory be reveal upon Nigeria, restore the lost glory of our beloved Nation Nigeria by you mercy, and by your power IJMN Amen
20. We returned all glory honor and Majesty to you Oh Lord our redeemer, our Sustainer, our Lord Jehovah Nissi, take glory father, son and holy ghost in Jesus Mighty name amen
21. Thank you Father Lord God Almighty for answers to all our prayers and Supplication, amen and ameeeeen
Please send these prayer to all children of God to help us intercede for Nigeria
God bless you all
Ref: Fire Spring Ministries
Online prayer School

*TEXT: ROM 10:10*

I Pray, The Lord Will Trouble Those Who Seek To Trouble Your Life, They Shall Be Clothed With Garment Of Shame And Be Confounded Together In Jesus Mighty Name Amen
I Pray, Enemies Of Your Next Glory Shall Expire And Die In Jesus Name
Anti Glory Powers Of Your Fathers And Mothers House, Saying Your Glory Will Not Shine, Hear The Word Of The Lord, Be Buried Now In Jesus Mighty Name Amen
I Decree, Every Evil Kingdom, Legislating Against You, Scatter And Die In Jesus Name
Voices From The Grave Assigned Against You, Shut Up And Die In Jesus Name
I Pray Every Witchcraft Covens Harbouring Your Virtues, Hear The Word Of God, Release it And Catch Fire Now In Jesus Mighty Name Amen
Wherever You Have Been Rejected I Pray Mercy Of God Shall Cause You To Be Re – Elected In Jesus Mighty Name Amen and aaaaaaamen

“The Angel Of The Lord, encamps around those who far Him, and He delivers them.” 

– Psalm 34:7