Bible Ingredients Isaiah 61:3-10.

God’s words that help us maintain joy even in difficult time.
Here are some bible verses that we need to meditate on daily basis.

1) psalm 30:5 – ” For His anger last for a moment, but His favor lasts for everlasting; a life time; weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning”
This verse tell us that God can show His anger, but He does so to favor us, if we repent and amend our way, we will laugh and rejoice at last. We will overcome challenges, trial and temptation with God’s help, even if we sin, Our loving Father will bring us back to Himself through His amazing grace amen.

2) Isaiah 12:3 says “With joy we will draw water from the well of Salvation”
This means we shall feel joyful as we draw water from well of Salvation, when we are in His presence, we receive joy, and gladness, seeking Him, worshipping, and approaching the throne of grace, meditating on His word, all of these are water of life that we are drawing from spiritual well of Salvation that brings joy to our soul

#3) Mathew 5:12
“Rejoice and be glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they percecuted the prophets who were before you”
In this verse, Jesus Christ reminds us that even when we are been percecuted, we should rejoice and be glad. As long as it does not affect your soul, or cause death, we can endure read verse 11, we can endure insult, false accusations, lying against us or abuse for Christ sake, but anything that will affect your spiritual growth, salvation of your soul, or cause death, God does not support it, flee for your dear life, for example any Church that doesn’t preach salvation, holiness and worship God and prayer, and teach the undiluted word of God, They are not serving God in spirit and true, get out of their, also any Church that quench the fire of the spirit of member are spiritual vampires get out of the midst of them.
But some people will say that they insult me, someone disrespect me, or lie against me, these are irrelevant reasons to quit, you will endure
The joy of the Lord is your strength

#4) John 16:22
When Jesus Christ was about to be crucified, he make it known to his disciples, and they were grieved, so Jesus Christ make it known to them that he will rise again, and they will rejoice, truly he rose from the death and the disciples rejoiced, as he has said, and their joy till today no one can takes away their joy, so if you are one of Jesus Christ disciples on Easter Sunday you will join host of heaven to rejoice that Christ is alive
Everlasting joy that no one can take away from us, all believers

#5) 2nd Corinthians 7:4
“I have great confidence in you, I take great pride in you, I am greatly encouraged in all our troubles, my joy know no bounds/boundaries”
If you read verse 6-7, you will discover how important it is to fulfill your calling, because it will encourage, support and help others too. And you will have joy unspeakable, joy that has no boundaries, everlasting joy will be yours. May God help us IJMN amen

#6) Nehemiah 8:10
“For the joy of the Lord is your strength”
The Lord God Almighty give us Overflowing joy, the joy that keep us moving inspite of all tribulation, hardship, persecution, tests and trials, the joy of the Lord is such that strengthening us to move forward, it’s such that world cannot understand and cannot give us, and they cannot take away from us amen

Habakkuk 3:18 says “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation”
Psalm 35:9 says: “And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord my soul shall rejoice in His Salvation”
If you read Psalm 16:11 and Acts 2:28, they both speak the same
“God has made known to us the paths of life, God Almighty will fill us with Joy in His Presence” amen. May the presence of God be with us always amen

Joy of the Lord produces strength, and God’s strength enable us to face anything in life
Isaiah 61:10 says
” I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God, for He has clothes me with garments of salvation, and cover me with robe of righteousness”
our joy and strength comes from the Lord.
Isaiah 61:3 says “God has giving us a crown of beauty instead of ashes, He gave us oil of gladness instead of mourning, and He gave us garments of praises instead of the spirit of heaviness and spirits of despair” amen for the Joy of the Lord is our strength amen & aaaaaaamen