TOPIC: VISION. BIBLE INGREDIENTS: Matthew 19:16-30, Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:13. It’s important to cultivate Vision, when we don’t have vision, there will be no bright future. Vision is vitally important to cultivate, because this life is full of series of problems, challenges, trials, deceitfulness, and disappointments. So, if we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by difficulties, we will not be able to cultivate any Vision, we will be getting stuck in one problem and another till the devil waste our time on earth. From our Bible reading, we learn about a young well-to-do, upstanding Community leader, who have interest in the abundant life that Jesus Christ came to offer all those who believe in Him, but unfortunately, this rich man cannot be saved because, it’s difficult for him to let go of his wealth and follow Christ. So when the Lord said “it’s easy for Camel (ketekete) to go though the needles hole, eyes of a needle than for rich men to enter into the Kingdom of God”

As the Lord Jesus Christ told His disciples that it’s not gonna be easy for rich men to inherit the kingdom of God, the disciples thought their chance of being save is doubtful, they are losing hope, that’s why they asked “who then can be saved?” But the Lord Jesus Christ make them understand the fact that whosoever commit his way to God, and trust in God for help, will be perfect. So, when we trust God and commit our Vision in His hand, He will give us wisdom that will make us relevant in this world, and in the world to come, and most importantly, He will help us to accomplish all our goals.
Therefore, if we cultivate Vision, whenever we are facing problems we will immediately explore ways to deal with the problem and move on, we will avert all sort of discouragements, and we will discover how much creativity and wisdom God want to give His children, who trust in Him for help. Ephesians 3:20 says: “Now to Him who is able to do abundantly, and immeasurably above, and more than all we ask, and imagined (our Vision) according to His power that is at work in us” (holy ghost power) Philippians 4:13 says: “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us”
We are born to rule and reign, let’s do all things for the glory of God.
May God help us to live a fulfilled life in the Mighty and Supreme name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen and aaaaaaamen